Friday 14 October 2016

Short Film Introductory Task: ''Calzino''
When creating this film, we were given the task to make a short film of a transaction of some kind. The idea that I came up with that everyone else agreed with was to go with a drug deal gone wrong scenario and had the idea in my head to go with a classic crime noir film with no police in. The overall plot of the film is that there are two homeless people who are in need of money as they were betrayed by the system and left on the streets not being able to get a job so they turn to the only way they can make money on the streets which is to rip of big time mafia members in return for free money with fake drugs. They managed to make a living for themselves in the same time putting big time gangsters to justice something which the police struggle to achieve basically emphasising people can be handle themselves if you let them.

Now I would like to talk about the making of the film the kind of angles we used and music. When making this I wanted to use some contrapuntal/parallel music more exact ave maria. We used this song as it is quite ironic as the song is about the virgin Mary and there is gang related violence and drug abuse making the viewer feel uncomfortable and the film overall is quite slow and flows well with the film as everything is done slowly to show that they are professionals in the film. Its also good because the song kind of flows like the wind in a way which works with some of the transitions in a wavy affect this could connate that god is watching over the world and this is what he sees. The choice of song could be of reference of sugar coating in the film they are never caught they got away with it and bribe the media to not show what happened therefore sugar coating the evidence with the song being so beautiful in a horrible scenario. I also like the song at the end as the camera turns to the window as if their soul is leaving out the window to represent that they just murdered two mobsters in the name of revenue making you think about the real world we live in as the screen fades to black as if its game over.

Now I would like to go over each of the angles to show what they connate from start to finish. To start of with we show a pan shot of the camera moving to the left to give the viewer an idea of where this is set as you can see it is the suburban area of Chicago as shown in the text and gave the year 1963 so the audience know that it is a Chicago mobster film as most people are familiar with what the time and location suggest. It then does a fade to black then straight onto some else dark in this case Georges head as in this film we liked the slow pace action and don't like being too quick when going to different scenes as in this scene it goes straight to Georges head then pans over to the side as if there was no cut to a blur of my face making it look like I blend in with the black and white. I don't like using black and white for negative connotations because I don't think they are but here I am making an exception. Here I am blended in with the black and white to show that I am bad but go into focus again to show though I come from a bad place I have my reasons as to why I am here. We then do a clever reverse shoulder shot by again going with dark colours on the back of Georges head to switch to mine without making it look like we had any cuts to make it flow better and look slower to match the song. It then fades to a high angle shot in ghostly way making it seem like we are being watched by God as the camera goes down to another interesting transition as it goes down to the circular table we were sitting on and back out of something else circular which in this case a bin to highlight the differences in both the situations of rich and successful and poor and lack of ambition all in order to show the correlation between the two. As it comes out of the bin they are in a high angle shot to represent weakness. It then switches over to two pan shoulder shot transitioned in a fade style. It then fades to black in a another fade for that godly affect as it continues in a slow motion door opening as it flows with the song and makes it seem important as they enter to what could be the end. Then there is a pan high angle shot as it gradually goes up making it seem like we are superior and are being followed by the camera as if we are famous. It does another similar thing but with our faces showing the seriousness in our face. There is an over shoulder shot of me while the other two enter the room which will switch for a reverse shot. They do not get the same kind of entrance as us to emphasise the point that we are superior but they do get the same face pan shot but this time to show fear which shows the difference between confidence and fear. It comes back to me with a blur affect which again connotes the same thing as before and could connate that I am now totally in the zone and am ready for what's about to happen which is the opposite for the next shot as Lawrence goes from no blur to burr showing the opposite going from a little bit of confident to no confidence at all. It then shows a over shoulder shot of Kian showing me and George furthermore showing our motionless faces in full. It then goes to a medium shot of me and the two going to deal drugs. I go alone to emphasise that I am not afraid of these two small timers. It then goes to a close up on our hands handing over the drugs which was good because it was a bit difficult to edit this scene as we had to cut the clip just right and put another clip in the middle make sure that was cut properly and put it in the middle which was the close up. It then cuts to a medium shot with George in the frame as I walk into it giving the drugs to George he notices something wrong so I try and realise its fake drugs then I walk up to the camera making it seem like we are walking up towards you creating tension. As it swaps to another shot of the other groups faces as they realise that they know its fake which would probably be your reaction if you see some tough guys walking towards you. It then swaps to a similar shot we did near the start with the camera following us this time it is moving away from us as if the camera is them in the situation moving away from them which would be what you would think to do while watching this. The other guys come to a realisation that they are not going to get anywhere in life being afraid of things since they have nothing else to lose they go for it and beat the mobsters to death in a medium shot as they escape leaving the bodies there escaping with the money becoming more successful than any other conformist as the camera stays on the door for a while for the audience to comprehend what just happened. As two bodies lay there the camera pans up taking their power away from them as the camera pans towards the window as their soul leaves as the camera stays there as it fades to black. To sum up success won’t always come to you if I doesn't don't let anything else stop you from achieving it I mean anything you could be doing the world a favour stay true to yourself as one day you got to find another way.

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